This is Mental Illness Awareness Week

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

World Heart Day

Health Workshops
Alberta PCNs offer free health workshops and activities to help you better manage your physical and mental health.
Workshop topics include:
– smoking cessation
– mental health
– dietitian advice
– grief support
– diabetes management
– exercise classes
– and more!
Go to https://bit.ly/3iBm9mW to find online or in-person workshops available to you.
#ABHealth #MentalHealth #Fitness #Nutrition #Wellbeing #Health #WorkshopWednesday

#Fitness Friday
It’s easier to stay active in the summer but as the season starts to change it can be more difficult to keep moving.
Walking is one of the easiest ways to exercise outside and a great way to fit in movement throughout the day. This fall, plan activities that involve walking such as apple-picking, hunting for the perfect pumpkin or simply enjoying the beautiful autumn colors in your neighborhood.
If you need more tips or support in staying active, talk with your family doctor. They can support you with your fitness goals and connect you with fitness resources.
#FitnessFriday #Walking #StayActive #GetMoving

World Alzheimer’s Day
Typically, Alzheimer’s disease begins with lapses of memory, difficulty in finding the right words for everyday objects or mood swings.
As Alzheimer’s progresses, the person may:
- Routinely forget recent events, names and faces and have difficulty in understanding what is being said
- Become confused
- Undergo personality changes
- Experience mood swings
Talk with your doctor about symptoms you or your loved one might be experiencing.
Learn more about Alzheimer’s and Dementia at https://bit.ly/3LhmkRW
#AlzheimersDay #Dementia #Alzheimers

Know Your Risk
Getting screened for cancer regularly is the best way to find it early, before you have any symptoms and when treatment is likely to work best.
Alberta currently has provincial screening programs for breast, cervical and colorectal cancer.
Albertans have access to a great resource, Screening For Life, at screeningforlife.ca
There you’ll find a risk factor calculator you can use as a tool in your own health care to know your cancer risk.
Speak to your family doctor if you experience any changes or to discuss which screenings are right for you.
#cancerscreening #primarycare #ABhealth #breastcancer #cervicalcancer #colorectalcancer #cancerawareness

Fight Procrastination
We want to remind you to keep your health on the front burner. As you make your to-do list, remember to add any medical appointments or exams you have been putting off.
Regular and timely visits to your doctor can help you stay on top of your health.
#ABHealth #fightprocrastinationday

🩹 Would you know what to do in an #emergency?
@canadianredcross is calling on all Canadians to ensure they have the skills they need to save lives when an emergency happens. The Red Cross offers practical information and training on how to recognize, treat and prevent injuries.
Everyone can learn first aid! Check out the courses at https://bit.ly/3Kzj58b
#firstaid #canadianredcross