
140 Riverside Dr E, Drumheller, AB, T0J 0Y4


Measles is an extremely contagious virus that spreads easily through the air when someone who has measles coughs or sneezes. Measles is sometimes called rubeola or red measles. Measles tends to be more severe in babies and adults.
It can cause:
– High fever
– Cough
– Runny nose
– Red eyes
– Blotchy, red rash that appears 3 to 7 days after the fever starts, beginning behind the ears and on the face and spreading down to the body and to the arms and legs
If you or a loved one is showing symptoms of measles, stay home, avoid contact with others, and call Health Link at 811 before visiting any hospital, clinic, or healthcare provider. The registered nurse who answers your call will guide you on the next steps.
The MMR-Var vaccine is given as part of Alberta’s routine immunization schedule for children and is free. It protects against measles, mumps, rubella, and chickenpox (varicella). Contact your local public health to book a vaccination appointment. If you have any questions about measles or immunizations, please contact a primary care provider including your doctor, pharmacist, midwife, nurse practitioner, or public health nurse.

#DYK – Guardian Radiology

Guardian Radiology is a community-based radiology provider with multiple locations throughout Alberta and Saskatchewan.
Access and availability are a primary focus for Guardian Radiology, negating unnecessary commutes to larger centres and decreasing wait times are major components to our practice philosophy.
Supported by Canada Diagnostic Center; Canada’s largest teleradiology provider, Guardian Radiology provides outpatient ultrasound imaging services to rural communities.
Our Drumheller location is a teleradiology site offering ultrasound services. Ultrasound scanning uses sound waves to image soft tissues. Ultrasound evaluation for vascular disease, abdominal pain, or obstetrical care are common studies performed.
Guardian Radiology is located inside of the Drumheller Associated Physicians Clinic, 140 Riverside Drive East, Drumheller, AB.

Local Giant Water Fight Event

What better way to have fun in the sun than with a Giant Water Fight?
Join the fight on Wednesday, July 17, 2024 from 1:00pm – 4:00pm at the Drumheller Aquaplex.
Everyone is invited to bring their water guns, play water safety games and learn all about drowning prevention at the Drumheller Aquaplex.
There will be precautions to ensure that safety is at the forefront for every participant, including staff:
🌊 Water guns will need to be emptied and rinsed in a bleach water solution before entering change rooms; water guns can only be filled with pool water or water from the taps at the Aquaplex
🌊Water safety games will happen throughout the swim, focusing on drowning prevention and layers of protection for aquatic activities
🌊Safety reminder that staff supervising the pools are not to be sprayed
No preregistration required.
Join us for an exciting afternoon of fun, games, and safety education! Don’t miss out!
Regular admission pricing applies.

Sunscreen Safety

Choose a sunscreen with…
Broad-spectrum (protects against both UVA and UVB rays)
SPF 30+ and water resistant
Apply sunscreen 15 minutes before going outside.
Re-apply every 2 hours or more often… especially if swimming, toweling off, or sweating heavily
Keep babies out of the HEAT & DIRECT SUNLIGHT whenever possible.
Ask a health professional about using sunscreen on babies less than 6 months old
Use a wide-brimmed hat
Use loose, lightweight clothing
Keep babies well hydrated
Consider testing your sunscreen on a small patch of skin. If your skin develops a rash, becomes itchy, or otherwise reacts: Stop using the product and choose a product with different ingredients
For an ADULT – Use about 7 tsp (35ml) for the entire body. 1tsp for:
Face and neck
Each arm and leg
DON’T FORGET often missed areas: tops of ears, nose, shoulders, feet, scalp (if hair-challenged)… Use a sunscreen lip balm to protect your lips, too!

What is hand-foot-and-mouth disease?

It is caused by a virus (enterovirus), it is an illness that causes sores or blisters in or on the mouth and on the hands, feet, and sometimes the buttocks and legs. They may be painful. Children are most likely to spread the disease during the first week of the illness. The illness usually doesn’t last more than a week or so.
How is hand-foot-and-mouth disease treated?
Hand-foot-and-mouth disease usually doesn’t need treatment. Offer your child plenty of cool fluids to help with sore throat. Cold foods such as flavored ice pops and ice cream also may help. Don’t give your child acidic or spicy foods and drinks, such as salsa or orange juice. These foods can make mouth sores more painful.
For pain and fever, ask your doctor if you can give your child acetaminophen (such as Tylenol) or ibuprofen (such as Advil). Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label.
To help prevent the disease from spreading:
If your child goes to daycare or school, talk to the staff about when your child can return.
Wash your hands frequently. It is especially important to wash your hands after you touch a blister or change the diaper of an infected child.
Teach all family members to wash their hands often. It is especially important to wash your hands after you change the diaper of an infected child.
Don’t let your child share toys or give kisses while your child is infected.

Heat Wave Tips

We may think of Canada as the winter capital of the world, but summers can get very hot. Prolonged exposure to extreme heat can result in heat-related emergencies, such as heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke.
Follow these steps to protect yourself and your family during a heat wave:
– Never leave children or pets alone in enclosed vehicles.
– Stay hydrated and cool. Drink plenty of cool fluids, even if you don’t feel thirsty, and check in with children and seniors to make sure they are drinking regularly.
– Avoid caffeine and alcohol because they can cause dehydration, which stops your body from controlling its temperature properly.
– Avoid being outside during the hottest part of the day (typically between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.).
– Dress for the heat and for your activity level: Wear light, loose clothing to let air circulate and heat escape.
– Always wear a hat and apply sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher before going outside.
– Slow down your activities as it gets hotter. Move indoors and don’t work, exercise, or play outside for an extended period of time.
– Take frequent breaks in a cool or shady area and use the buddy system if you need to be outside when it’s hot.
– Check on your pets and animals frequently – make sure their needs for water and shade are met.
– Pay close attention to how you and those around you feel. Check on vulnerable family members, friends and neighbors (such as children, the elderly and ill) who may require assistance.
Anyone who experiences a sunburn should immediately move out of the sun, move to a cool area and consume extra fluids for the days following.
A severe sunburn may require medical attention if it results in display blisters, facial swelling, nausea, fever or severe chills, rapid pulse or breathing, signs of dehydration, etc.
Heat cramps, heat exhaustion, or heat stroke, can happen to anyone who stays in the heat and sun for too long.

Staff Immersive Dementia Experience

Our Big Country PCN nurses Amanda and Kim gave the staff the opportunity to try an immersive dementia experience. Staff watched an engaging video following a patient with dementia trying to navigate their day.
Staff were then given items to wear that would reduce their dexterity and vision and had to try and complete regular daily tasks while in a loud environment:
– Buttoning a shirt
– Sorting medication
– Finding ID
– Completing a form
This experience was incredibly valuable in order for our staff to provide support for patients living with dementia.
10 Warning Signs of Dementia
– Memory changes that affect day-to-day abilities
– Difficulty doing familiar tasks
– Changes in language and communication
– Disorientation in time and place
– Impaired judgment
– Problems with abstract thinking
– Misplacing things
– Changes in mood, personality and behavior
– Loss of initiative
– Challenges understanding visual and spatial information
Information regarding dementia support can be found here:
Dementia Advice is available Alberta Wide through 811 Health Link, this telephone service, provides free specialized dementia advice, is available through Health Link by dialing 811 and selecting the option to speak with a dementia specialist.

National Injury Prevention Day in Canada

On Friday, July 5, 2024, Parachute celebrates the eighth National Injury Prevention Day in Canada to raise awareness about the devastating effects of predictable and preventable injuries. Their goals are to educate others and help all Canadians live long lives to the fullest.
Parachute’s National Injury Prevention Day (NIPD) is a day to raise awareness around the importance of injury prevention and aid Canadians to live long lives to the fullest through education and advocacy. Health Canada recognizes this date as an official national Health Promotion Day.
Injury prevention is critical to saving lives: Did you know that injury is the No. 1 cause of death of Canadians ages 1 to 44? Or that injury costs the Canadian economy $29.4 billion a year?
Parachute knows that most injuries are predictable and preventable: They need your help spreading their information on preventing serious injuries on the road, at home and at play.
Parachute’s goal is to provide the necessary information and tools to the public, and to work diligently to ensure that one day Canada will be free of serious injuries.
Quick facts
– Every day, 48 Canadians die and 634 are hospitalized because of injuries.
– Preventable injury kills more Canadian children than any disease, and more youth than all other causes combined.
– 75 per cent of injury-related deaths are from unintentional causes, such as falls, car crashes and poisonings.
– Falls are the leading cause of injury deaths, hospitalizations, emergency department visits and disabilities in Canada.

Dementia Advice Through Health Link

Dementia Advice is available Alberta Wide through 811 Health Link, this telephone service, provides free specialized dementia advice, is available through Health Link by dialing 811 and selecting the option to speak with a dementia specialist.
Dementia Advice provides support for people living with dementia and their caregivers, including tele-triage, health advice, and available resources. A Health Link nurse assesses clients needs and provides advice for immediate concerns. When needed, clients are referred to a specialized dementia nurse for additional advice.
Specific services include:
– Short term psychosocial support
– Dementia related education
– Facilitates linkages to community resources
– Referrals to services such as Alzheimer Society and Home Care
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 8:15 pm
Please note this service is closed on Statutory Holidays.

Schools Out

Tips for managing anxiety as school ends
If you’re a parent or caregiver of school-aged children, you understand the unique stressors and anxiety this time of year brings. With the transition from the school year into summer break, schedules become less predictable and can cause increased stress and anxiety for parents, caregivers, and children alike.
1. Maintain a routine: Staying consistent with regular wake-up and bedtimes, mealtimes, and daily activities can help reduce last-minute scrambling and uncertainty of what the day will bring.
2. Stay connected: The end of the school year can often mean a decrease in social interactions for both parents and children. Making a conscious effort to stay connected with friends, family members, and the community can minimize feelings of isolation and provide much-needed emotional support during times of stress.
3. Prioritize self-care: As a parent or caregiver, it’s common to prioritize the needs of your children over your own. However, it’s essential to remember the importance of self-care, especially during times of stress and anxiety. Ensure you’re making time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation. In prioritizing your mental health, you’re also setting a positive example for children to do the same.
4. Limit screen time: Set daily limits on screen time and encourage alternative activities such as outdoor play, arts and crafts, or board games. Reducing screen time promotes healthier habits and creates more opportunities for meaningful connection with your family.
5. Seek professional help if needed: If you or an adolescent child are struggling to manage stress and anxiety, it might be beneficial to seek professional help. BounceBack® is one option. It is a free Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) coaching program designed to help manage both anxiety and stress for youth and adults ages 15 and older:
It’s perfectly understandable to have feelings of stress and anxiety as the school year comes to a close. However, summer also gives the gift of time to recharge and prioritize mental health and well-being.