
140 Riverside Dr E, Drumheller, AB, T0J 0Y4

What to do if I am pregnant?

If you suspect you may be pregnant please contact the Clinic, to book an appointment with your Primary Physician. They can provide you with testing to confirm your pregnancy and proceed with maternal care.

Please let the receptionist know if you have a laboratory confirmed pregnancy and have not been seen by your Primary Physician. A first prenatal appointment generally takes longer and informing our staff will ensure you are getting proper care. You may be booked in with a PCN registered nurse along with a Physician accepting maternity patients. We also have a OB GYN on staff (you can self-refer). View our Gynecology and Obstetric Department here

Once you are in your second trimester, we may suggest that you see one of our PCN nurses for alternating appointments along with your Physician. If you have questions or concerns that the PCN registered nurse cannot answer, they will communicate with the doctor(s) to provide further information.