
140 Riverside Dr E, Drumheller, AB, T0J 0Y4


Be proactive — register now for a healthy new you in the new year!

Plan ahead to participate in one of the many workshops offered by Alberta Primary Care Networks to help you on your personal health journey.

PCNs offer in-person and virtual workshops on topics such as:

– mental health
– dietary advice
– grief support
– diabetes management
– and more


See all upcoming workshops at

#MentalHealth #PhysicalHealth #Nutrition #GriefSupport #Diabetes #HealthWorkshops #PCNWorkshops #ABHealth

Update – Drumheller Health Centre – Laboratory Services

Beginning December 5th, the Drumheller Health Centre has begun using DynaLIFE Medical Labs. This will provide community and non-urgent hospital lab services in communities throughout Alberta.
You can book your lab appointment at:
Questions on lab tests? Please visit:
Always bring 2 pieces of government issued identification with you each time you visit the laboratory. One piece of identification will be your personal healthcare card and the other piece of identification will include a picture of you

@Alberta Health Services’ HEAL (Health Education and Learning)

As children’s hospital emergency departments fill up across the province, it’s important to remember not all illnesses and injuries require a visit to the ER.


@Alberta Health Services’ HEAL (Health Education and Learning) website provides families with fast information about common minor illness and injuries in children:


Advice comes directly from the Pediatric Emergency Medicine experts at the Alberta Children’s Hospital in #yyc and Stollery Children’s Hospital in #yeg.


HEAL offers symptom trackers and treatment suggestions for illnesses and injuries such as:

– barky cough (croup)

– coughing and wheezing

– influenza

– common cold

– ear pain

– vomiting and diarrhea

– and more


Learn how to manage minor illnesses and injuries at home, and when to seek medical care:


#ABHealth #EmergencyDepartment #KidsHealth #ChildHealth #PediatricCare #FluSeason #ColdSeason

Get immunized! #FluShot

Protect yourself from the flu this season — get your flu shot today.
Flu shots are important for everyone, especially those with weakened immune systems.
An online booking tool is available to book appointments with AHS Public Health influenza immunization clinics.
Plan ahead and put a reminder in your calendar to get your flu shot.
Flu shots are offered, free of charge, to all Albertans six months of age and older.
Book your flu shot easily at
#ABHealth #FluSeason #Influenza #Vaccination #FluShot


When you experience anxiety, depression or panic, even the smallest tasks can feel overwhelming. You might feel helpless and alone, but don’t be afraid to ask for help. 🤝

Talk with your doctor – they can direct you to the best support and resources for your health needs.

Big Country PCN also offers mental health programs and services at:

For more information, visit:

#MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #PanicDisorder #ABHealth #PrimaryCare #TalkWithYourDoc


It’s Fall Prevention Month and Primary Care Networks have some tips to help you make it through the holiday season without falling.

Here are some precautions to think about while you decorate!

  • Wear appropriate shoes
  • Secure ladders and have a spotter with you
  • Work as team — involve the whole family
  • Ask for help
  • Decorate in the daylight


#FallPrevention #Holidaydecoratingsafely

Journey Through Grief Workshop

Grief can be one of the hardest emotions to navigate.


The free Journey Through Grief workshop offered by Alberta PCNs can help you develop skills to cope more effectively with loss.


According to the Journey Through Grief program, the six needs of mourning are:


  1. Acknowledge the reality of loss
  2. Embrace the pain of loss
  3. Remember the loss
  4. Develop a new self-identity
  5. Search for meaning
  6. Receive ongoing support from others


Visit the link below to learn more:


#ABHealth #Grief #Loss #griefsupport #griefjourney #griefandloss #griefawareness #griefworkshop #bigcountrypcn #albertapcns