
140 Riverside Dr E, Drumheller, AB, T0J 0Y4


On the Seventh Day of Christmas…choose appropriate toys.

Always follow age recommendations when choosing toys for children.

Pay attention to Health Canada’s recalls and safety alerts:

You can find additional toy safety information here:

#getprepared #safetycanada #publicsafetycanada #isyourfamilyprepared #12daysofholidaysafety #recallsandsafetyalerts #canadiantoyassociation


On the Sixth Day of Christmas…keep lights bright.

Only use lights that have been certified by a recognized organization such as CSA, ULC or C-UL. Make sure you use indoor lights inside your home and outdoor lights outside.

Check the light strings and extension cords, throwing out any that are frayed or have exposed wires, loose connections or broken sockets.

Never run electrical cords through doorways or under carpets.  Keep electrical cords away from children and pets. Turn off all holiday lights before you go to bed or leave your home.

#getprepared #safetycanada #publicsafetycanada #isyourfamilyprepared #12daysofholidaysafety


On the Fifth Day of Christmas…make your tree safe.

When buying a real tree, check that it is fresh (needles are hard to pull off and branches bend without breaking). Cut 4 centimeters off of the bottom of the tree before placing in water. Be sure to water the tree daily – trees can consume up to four litres of water a day. Place the tree away from high traffic areas, doorways, heating vents, radiators, stoves, fireplaces and burning candles. If young children are around, use safe decorations.

Health Canada has some great holiday safety tips:

#getprepared #safetycanada #publicsafetycanada #isyourfamilyprepared #12daysofholidaysafety #healthcanada


On the Fourth Day of Christmas…decorate with safety in mind.

Never leave burning candles unattended and keep them away from children and pets, decorations and wrapping paper.

Cut candle wicks short to prevent a high flame and if candles are used in a centerpiece, make sure they don’t burn low enough to ignite the decoration.

#getprepared #safetycanada #publicsafetycanada #isyourfamilyprepared #12daysofholidaysafety


On the Third day of Christmas…think about special needs.
Establish a personal support network of friends, relatives, health-care providers, and neighbors who understand your personal needs. Write down details about accommodation needs, allergies, family medical history, medical conditions, etc.
#getprepared #safetycanada #publicsafetycanada #isyourfamilyprepared #12daysofholidaysafety


On the Second Day of Christmas…plan.

Make a family preparedness plan for the possibility that your family may not be together when an emergency occurs.

Discuss the following five steps:

Know the risks – learn about local hazards and plan for those that are more likely to occur. Does your area experience flooding? Forest fires? Earthquakes?

Make a family emergency plan – since your family may not be together when an emergency happens, a plan will help you and your family know what to do and how to reach each other in an emergency. http://Make a Plan Video (

Get an emergency kit – In an emergency, you will need some basic supplies. You may need to get by without power or tap water. Be prepared to be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours. http://Emergency Kits (

Talk to your kids –  http://Emergency Preparedness for Children ( Discuss the information in this link with your children to help them understand emergencies and what they can do to prepare.

Spread the word – Building awareness is a great first step. Communicate the importance of emergency preparedness to your family.

#getprepared #safetycanada #publicsafetycanada #isyourfamilyprepared #12daysofholidaysafety


On the First Day of Christmas…prepare your home for the holidays – and safety.

Make sure you have a working carbon monoxide detector, smoke alarm, fire extinguisher and a first aid kit.

If you live in an apartment or are staying in a hotel, know where the fire alarms and emergency exits are located.

Run fire drills with your family and ensure that family members know of all the exit points in your home and arrange a safe area for family to meet once outside of the home.

Ensure that you check the batteries in your carbon monoxide detectors and smoke alarms.

#getprepared #safetycanada #publicsafetycanada #isyourfamilyprepared #12daysofholidaysafety


#DYK that 84% of physicians who use virtual care say it improves their patients’ access to care.


Talk to your doctor about when virtual care is appropriate for you.


Albertans can also access digital care by calling 811, where you will be connected with a variety of health care professionals such as registered nurses, dietitians, dementia specialists and mental health and rehabilitation clinicians.

#DigitalHealth #Accessibility
#PrimaryCare #DocTalk


‘Tis the season for holiday parties…and holiday sweets! Because food is an important part of many holiday celebrations with family and friends, it can be tricky to navigate and not overeat.

Here are some holiday eating tips to help:


🎁 Eat three meals per day — skipping meals can make you hungry and more likely to overeat at an event. If your event starts later, have a small snack like yogurt and fruit, 1-2 hours before.


🎁 Limit appetizers — it’s easy to eat a full meal’s worth of calories from appetizers alone. Choose a few items that you enjoy and leave the rest.


🎁 Be mindful of your drinks — many holiday drinks are higher in calories and sugar.


🎁 Bring along healthy options — offer to bring dishes or treats that are healthier such as fruit trays for dessert.


For more healthy eating tips and recipes visit:


If you are looking for additional support on healthy eating habits, talk to your family doctor.


#HealthyEating #Holidays #HolidayFoods #Nutrition


Are medical web searches friend or foe?
Family doctors say patients doing online research is beneficial if used correctly.
They advise you:
– do your research on evidence-based sites
– use the information you gather to start a conversation with them at your appointment
A good example of a reliable source is @Alberta Health Services (AHS’s) HEAL which provides reliable information about common minor illness and injuries in children:
#ABHealth #FamilyPhysicians #familyhealth #TalkWithYourDoc #DYK