What is Influenza?
Influenza (flu) is a virus that can be easily passed from one person to another by sneezing, coughing or touching a contaminated surface. People with influenza are contagious the day before symptoms appear and up to 5 days after becoming sick with influenza.
Symptoms of influenza typically include:
• fever
• cough
• muscle aches and pain
• extreme tiredness/fatigue
• loss of appetite
• headache
Influenza typically lasts 7-10 days, or longer if you become sick with complications.
How is influenza treated?
Influenza is a virus. Antibiotics will not treat influenza. Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections. The treatment for influenza includes:
• rest (no school or work)
• drink plenty of fluids
• take medication to treat symptoms, i.e. cough
• time
Influenza can cause other health problems to become worse. The most common complications from influenza are pneumonia, dehydration and ear infections.
The best ways to prevent influenza are:
• Get Immunized.
• Stay home if you are sick.
• Eat well, exercise, and get a good amount of sleep.
• Cover your cough or sneeze into your elbow.
• Wash your hands often with soap and warm water or use hand sanitizer.