
140 Riverside Dr E, Drumheller, AB, T0J 0Y4

Planning a trip this school break?

Top Tips for Healthy Holiday Travel:
💧 Stay hydrated with water and no or low-calorie drinks. Bring a reusable water bottle for refills.
🥗 Pack healthy snacks such as fruits, vegetable and nuts instead of chips and cookies.
🚶🏽 Take physical activity breaks.
🗺️ Plan ahead for routes and weather.
📝 Let a friend or family member know your travel plans.
☀️Wear a hat and sunscreen, when enjoying outdoor activities.

Do you have a nutrition question?

 Want to discuss it with an expert? 🍎
Our free Ask a Dietitian group appointments are led by a registered dietitian who can give you healthy eating tips. Get professional advice from a qualified expert while learning from others who have similar health questions.
Register online for a group appointment designed for adult patients who need help with:
👉 Cholesterol basics
👉 Diabetes or pre-diabetes
👉 Best Weight
Follow this link to register online for the workshop and discover more in-person and online free workshops offered by Alberta PCNs:

Dr. Brock Randolph – Early Educator Award – University of Calgary

Drumheller Associated Physicians is proud to congratulate Dr. Brock Randolph on being awarded the Early Educator Award!
This award is given to a University of Calgary preceptor who has demonstrated commitment and enthusiasm for medical education in their first five years of teaching.
Dr. Randolph is grateful to be able to teach medical learners in Drumheller and is grateful to all the mentors who have helped inspire his passion for teaching.
Congratulations Dr. Brock!

Health Education and Learning (heal)

#DYK AHS offers a Health Education and Learning Website (heal) a resource aimed at providing families across Alberta easily accessible, reliable information about common minor illness and injuries in children.
The content provided in the HEAL website comes directly from the Pediatric Emergency Medicine experts at the Alberta Children’s Hospital and Stollery Children’s Hospital.
Check out their website today to potentially save a trip to the ER:

Firefighter Cancer Awareness

The Government of Canada has recognized January 2024, as the official month for Firefighter Cancer Awareness. Firefighters whether they are career or volunteer, work tirelessly, risking their lives for others, they selflessly serve the communities that they live and work in.
Cancer accounts for more than 86% of all duty-related deaths among Canadian firefighters. These dedicated individuals face a 9% higher risk of cancer diagnosis and a 14% higher risk of cancer-related mortality compared to the general population.
For the estimated 32,000 career firefighters and 100,000 volunteer firefighters across the country, awareness, education, and information sharing are critical in the prevention and early detection of cancers associated with firefighting.