
140 Riverside Dr E, Drumheller, AB, T0J 0Y4

May 1 is National Physicians’ Day!

This is an opportunity to recognize the extraordinary people who choose to serve in the profession of medicine 👨🏼‍⚕️


National Physicians Day is celebrated on May 1st annually and honors the birthday of Dr. Emily Stowe, the first female physician to practice in Canada.


To Alberta’s doctors and beyond – thank you for your dedication and relentless commitment to our health. 💙


#ABHealth #NationalPhysiciansDay #Health #ThankYouDoctors

#PrimaryCare #AMA #CMA

Spring or Seasonal Allergies

Do you experience spring or seasonal allergies? 🤧
As the snow melts, common air contaminants like pollen, grass and mold can stir up allergens. Watch out for common symptoms like watery eyes, sneezing, coughing, runny or stuffy nose, post-nasal drip, sore throat and headache and fatigue.
Manage and treat your spring allergies with these tips:
🏡 keep your house and car clean and free of dust, and ensure windows stay closed
🏔 limit the time you spend outside when pollen counts are high (midday and afternoon)
👕 change your clothes after you work or play outside
🚿 use a vaporizer or humidifier in the bedroom and take hot showers to help clear a stuffy nose
💧 stay hydrated – extra fluids can help to thin the mucus in your nasal passages and encourage sinus drainage
💊 use over-the-counter allergy
medicine to help your symptoms
👨🏾‍⚕️ ask your doctor or pharmacist for suggestions to eliminate or reduce your allergy symptoms.
Get more tips from Alberta Health:
#ABHealth #HealthyHabits #SpringAllergies #SeasonalAllergies #Allergies #AllergyPrevention

World Health Day

April 7 marks World Health Day 2023, this year the World Health Organization is celebrating 75 years of improving public health. 🌎
This year’s theme is “Health for All,” emphasizing the importance of equal access to quality care for all people everywhere.
Through this initiative from @WHO we are reminded that health care is not only an essential service but also a human right — which the Drumheller Associated Physicians Clinic fully recognizes and is committed to. We strive to make health care, programs, services and resources accessible to all patients for personal health and well-being.
Further information regarding World Health Day is available here:
#HealthForAll #WorldHealthDay #PrimaryCare #HealthCare #WorldHealthOrganization

Inflation sending your grocery bills up?

Food costs have grown by up to 10% so far this year and many are feeling the pinch.
Try some of these tips from Alberta PCN Dietitian to stretch those dollars while still making nutritious and budget-friendly meals:
✏️ Set a budget and make a list to cut down on impulse buys
❄️ Check your fridge, freezer and pantry first and use up what you have on hand
🛒 Shop the sales by checking store flyers
🍳 Buy in bulk and batch cook
🌱 Try plants for protein in one meal a week
For inflation-busting meal ideas, help setting personal nutrition goals or learning more about eating healthy, book a one-on-one appointment or group workshop with a PCN registered dietitian.

It’s #PharmacyAppreciationMonth! 🎉

A time to celebrate the crucial role pharmacy professionals play in our healthcare and say thank you for their extraordinary efforts in delivering exceptional and safe care for our patients.

Pharmacy professionals have been an immense force supporting Canadians and our healthcare system through the many challenges we’ve faced over the past few years. Join us in celebrating Canada’s amazing pharmacy teams during Pharmacy Appreciation Month this March!

A pharmacist can support you with:

  • Advice and education on the use of prescription medications, natural medicines and herbal products
  • Tobacco cessation goals
  • Insulin usage
  • Health screenings including blood sugar, blood pressure monitoring and cardiovascular risk assessments

#PAM2023 #thankyoupharmacy #discoverthepowerofpharmacy #tobaccocessation #education #healthcare

Did you know that one in four Canadians experience high levels of anxiety?

There are many different types of anxiety, and these can affect any age group.
Anxiety is one of the most common mental health concerns for children and adults, affecting upwards of 20% of children and adolescents over their lifespan.
Everyone experiences anxiety sometimes.
Primary Care Networks offer a variety of workshops to help you develop tools to cope with anxiety.
Visit: to access these free skill-building sessions led by our health professionals.
The choices include a 45-minute online course – A Slice of Anxiety to Calm – which offers some helpful tips to reduce feelings of anxiety.
Further information regarding anxiety can be found here:
#AnxietyCanada #BigCountryPCN #PCNWorkshops #ABHealth #MentalHealth #Anxiety