
140 Riverside Dr E, Drumheller, AB, T0J 0Y4

Happy Father’s Day!

👨‍⚕️ Dads, your health matters!
This Father’s Day take time to schedule regular check-ups with your doctor, because taking care of yourself sets a great example for your family. You can also take charge of your overall health by focusing on these essential aspects:
🏃‍♂️ Staying Active: Set the tone for your family by including movement in every day
🥕Eating Well: Fuel yourself and loved ones with a balanced and nutritious diet
🩺Get Screened: Be proactive about preventative screenings and talk to your doctor to determine what tests you are due for
By prioritizing your wellbeing, you are not only setting a positive example but also ensuring you will be present for many more happy celebrations with your loved ones!


A stroke is a medical emergency and delaying treatment can have serious consequences. 🧠
According to @Alberta Health Services, even a 25-minute delay in treatment can leave someone with severe disability or even result in death. ⏳
Do you know the signs of a stroke? FAST is a simple way to remember the main symptoms and know when to call for medical help. FAST stands for:
😐 Face: is it drooping?
🙌🏻 Arms: can you raise both?
👄 Speech: is it slurred or jumbled?
⏰ Time: Call 911 immediately.
Learn more about stroke symptoms, treatment and prevention:

Need help eating healthier?

Dietitians use the science of nutrition to help people understand the connection between food and health. They’ll provide personalized guidance to help you meet your needs and goals.
Get support from Big Country PCN dietitians, Primary Care Networks offer a variety of free in-person or virtual workshops with registered dietitians. 🍽
Find the right one for you:

It’s Men’s Health Week!

Men’s Health Week ❤ is a great reminder to schedule a potentially life-saving screening. Regular health screenings play an important role in your health care — it records your current health and helps detect any problems early, which is important for timely treatment.
Did you know there are routine, suggested screening tests which change over the course of your life? Your family physician can advise which screens you may be eligible for during a comprehensive health exam.
We also encourage you to empower the men in your life to take proactive steps toward a healthier life. Prioritize your health and schedule an appointment with your primary care doctor today.
Men’s Health Tips:


Join @anxiety_canada in their mission to promote #anxietyawareness and help break the stigma around anxiety! ⁠
1 in 5 Canadians are impacted by anxiety every year, influencing how we think, feel and act.
Anxiety can affect anyone at any age and is the most common mental health problem so it’s important to talk to your family doctor about your mental health concerns. Your doctor can help as well as connect you with the right resources including PCN programs.
Learn more at Anxiety Canada:
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH):…/the…/mental-health-statistics

May 19th is World Family Doctor Day

2023’s theme is Family Doctors. ‘The Heart of Health Care’
Family Docs are the 💗 of health care & at the heart of it all is the trusted relationship you have with them & their team. On May 19, #WorldFamilyDoctorDay, tell @ABFamDocs what your family doc means to you.
Visit for more info.

Planning to celebrate this May Long Weekend?

Drinking alcohol is a personal choice and something you should set limits on.
@CCSA.CCDUS recommends when drinking for a special occasion to drinking no more than 3 drinks (for women) or 4 drinks (for men).
When celebrating make sure you:
🍻 are drinking in a safe environment
🍷 drink slowly
💦 drink lots of water
🍝 eat before and while you’re drinking
💗 know your limit
You can learn more about Canada’s Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines at
Don’t hesitate to ask your family doctor for advice, resources and support if you need it. Further support can be found here:…/get-help-with-substance-use.html