
140 Riverside Dr E, Drumheller, AB, T0J 0Y4

Canadian Malnutrition Awareness Week 2023 – October 2 – 6

This year’s Canadian #MalnutritionAwarenessWeek theme is ‘Stronger Together’
Malnutrition is widespread in Canada and affects everyone from seniors to young kids.
Malnutrition Awareness Week is a time to raise awareness about the importance of good nutrition and how to achieve it.
We want to help our community members stay healthy and strong, so they can continue living life to the fullest.
Consider eating nutrient dense food when you can:
– Whole Grains
– Fruits and Vegetables
– Non-Fat and Low-Fat Dairy
– Fish and Seafood
– Unprocessed Lean Meat
– Skinless Poultry
– Nuts and Legumes
Further information regarding nutrient dense food:…/how-can-i-eat-more-nutrient….

Cold & Flu Season

Heading into cold and flu season means we must all be mindful of some simple rules to limit the spread of common sicknesses.
Feeling sick? To protect yourself and others, remember these rules of etiquette:
👀 Listen to your body and monitor your symptoms. Fever or chills, muscle or body aches, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, fatigue, congestion, nausea or diarrhea can all be signs
🧼 Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly, such as before and after sharing food with others
🏡 Stay home if you’re feeling unwell. It will protect your co-workers, friends and family from getting sick
💤 Make sleep a priority. Aim to get at least 7-9 hours of sleep each night
🥤 Stay hydrated and drink plenty of fluids to replenish your body
💙 Respect others’ safety precautions, decisions and comfort levels
👨🏾‍⚕️ Call your doctor or 811 if you’re unsure or if your symptoms worsen

Sept. 30, 2023 is National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

It is a day to honor the survivors of residential schools and their families and communities.
Big Country PCN and Drumheller Associated Physicians recognize the tragic history and ongoing legacy of residential schools and the impact these schools have had to Indigenous communities for generations. We invite all members of our community to not only to wear an orange shirt but to also use this day to learn and reflect on Canada’s history with Indigenous peoples.
If you or someone you know is struggling or needs someone to talk to, talk to your family doctor. Or call the Mental Health Help Line 1-877-303-2642 or the National Indian Residential Schools Crisis Line 1-866-925-4419. The helplines are confidential, anonymous and available 24/7.


From frappuccinos to energy drinks, kids encounter caffeine everywhere. ⚡
It’s important not to forget that the amount of caffeine in each beverage varies extensively, especially in popular energy drinks.
Health Canada’s recommendations on caffeine intake for women of childbearing age and children is no more than 300mg & healthy adults no more than 400 mg.
Check the label when you are purchasing products and monitor how much you (and those in your care) are consuming so you can cut back if necessary. It’s important to educate your child about caffeine and offer them non-caffeinated alternatives to help them develop healthy habits.
More information regarding caffeine awareness can be found on the following links:
MyHealth Alberta website:


You may have come across news and discussions surrounding Ozempic, a medication originally designed to enhance glycemic control in those with type 2 diabetes.
However, there is growing interest in its off-label potential for weight loss.
Explore the potential risks of using Ozempic off-label, suitable candidates, side effects and important considerations shared by experts. 🔗
Read more here:

Health Living Video Series

Primary Care Network – Join us for the Physical Activity for Healthy Living video series. A collection of education and exercise videos developed to guide you towards creating a personalized physical activity plan.
Whether you are new to exercise or have just taken a break, the education lessons will remind you why physical activity is important for your health, and help you take the first steps to becoming more active. 💪
The program is delivered in a workshop style with simple activities to complete as you work your way through the lessons.
The exercise videos will be available for you to follow along with at any time and provide both standing and seated modifications for all physical abilities.
Register online today and discover more in-person or online free workshops offered by Alberta PCNs:
#BigCountryPCN #PhysicalActivity #FreeExerciseVideo #FreeWorkshop #AlbertaPCN #WorkshopWednesday


Set aside time each week to plan and prep meals — even snacks — will save you time, money, stress and keep your health on track. 📅
Here’s how:
⌚ Save time: Shave off hours from your workweek, and make more time for extracurriculars, by planning and preparing meals and snacks on the weekend. In exchange, you’ll gain some extra free time after work or school.
💰 Save money: When you plan ahead with a grocery list, you’re less likely to make impulsive and unhealthy purchases — you’ll also less likely to waste food.
🎨 Inspire variety in your diet: Meal planning can ensure you’re eating a varied and nutritious diet that meets your daily requirements — it can also inspire creativity in the kitchen!
🧘🏻‍♂️ Reduce stress: Making decisions ahead of time gives you one less thing to worry about — and that’s a win for your mental health.
Canada Food Guide – recipes: