
140 Riverside Dr E, Drumheller, AB, T0J 0Y4

World Heart Day

Thursday, September 29 is World Heart ❤️ Day, a day to raise awareness about cardiovascular disease and its risk factors.
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death globally and is responsible for more than 17 million deaths annually.
The good news is that many of these deaths are preventable. By adopting a healthy lifestyle and managing risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes, we can dramatically reduce our chances of developing cardiovascular disease.
Walking is one of the simplest ways you can help your #HeartHealth. Regular walking can help reduce blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels.
Discover new walking trails in your area.
Let’s all commit to caring for our heart health on #WorldHeartDay. Talk to your family doctor to learn how you can best take care of your heart.

Health Workshops

Alberta PCNs offer free health workshops and activities to help you better manage your physical and mental health.

Workshop topics include:
– smoking cessation
– mental health
– dietitian advice
– grief support
– diabetes management
– exercise classes
– and more!

Go to to find online or in-person workshops available to you.


#ABHealth #MentalHealth #Fitness #Nutrition #Wellbeing #Health #WorkshopWednesday

World Alzheimer’s Day

Typically, Alzheimer’s disease begins with lapses of memory, difficulty in finding the right words for everyday objects or mood swings.

As Alzheimer’s progresses, the person may:

  • Routinely forget recent events, names and faces and have difficulty in understanding what is being said
  • Become confused
  • Undergo personality changes
  • Experience mood swings

Talk with your doctor about symptoms you or your loved one might be experiencing.


Learn more about Alzheimer’s and Dementia at


#AlzheimersDay #Dementia #Alzheimers

National Live Creative Day

Today is #NationalLiveCreativeDay — designed to encourage people to live their best, most creative lives.
It’s good for your mental health to do creative things and it’s good for your creativity to be in good mental health.
Does your creative self feel blocked? Primary Care Networks offer FREE mental and physical health workshops to support you on your health journey:

National Book Lovers Day!

It’s #nationalbooklovers day! Reading is a great way to improve your mental health. It has been linked with many benefits such as:

📘 relaxing your mind and body

📘 exercising your brain to increase brain health

📘 calming your thoughts

Grab a book and start reading — even a few minutes can positively impact your mental health.

For more information regarding mental health concerns, speak to your family doctor.

#MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness

International Self-Care Day

Sunday, July 24 is International Self-Care Day 💚
There are six types of self-care: emotional, physical, social, practical, spiritual and mental.
Mental health is a major component of self-care and affects people of all ages.
@albertahealthservices Access Mental Health offers non-urgent information, consultation, and referrals for individuals with addiction and/or mental health concerns.
If you’re experiencing mental health concerns, speak to your family doctor to learn which resources are available to you.
Learn more about Access Mental Health:
You can also talk to your family doctor if you have concerns.

Mama, My Hero – By Anthea Maseka

Anthea Maseka was inspired by her daughter-in-law, who worked as an ICU nurse while pregnant during the COVID-19 pandemic, to write a children’s book, “Mama, My Hero”.

Mama, My Hero highlights the realities of the current pandemic and the magic of a uniquely innocent perspective. This is the story of one day in the life of an intensive care unit nurse working during the COVID-19 pandemic, as told by her unborn baby.

She has been featured on CityTV, A Woman A Day YYC, and DrumhellerOnline.

More information about the book can be found on: