Staff Immersive Dementia Experience

It’s Men’s Health Week!

Halloween, Jersey Day, Movember, oh my!
This week was very busy at Drumheller Associated Physicians.
On Halloween October 31,2018 staff dressed up to celebrate and candy was distributed to patients.
A truly Drumheller procedure took place with great results!
All staff participated even those who were not there.
The following day on November 1,2018 Sports Jerseys were worn in loving memory of a former staff member. A donation was made to Jumpstart Charity to keep Kids in Sports! Clean shaven faces were sported to kick off Movember.
For anyone wanting to contribute to our Movember team, donations can be made online or in clinic. Receipts for donations over $20 can be given by the staff in the office. Thank you for helping to change the face of men’s health! check out what movember is about
Breast Cancer Awareness
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Drumheller Associated Physicians is showing support.