On the 10th Day of Christmas…prevent illness.
Help prevent seasonal influenza from spreading by:
- getting the influenza vaccine every year because the virus changes each year
- washing your hands often
- staying home when sick
- cleaning and disinfecting surfaces frequently
- maintaining good respiratory etiquette (for example, cover your cough, sneeze into a bent elbow, wear a mask if symptomatic)
- avoiding or limiting time spent in crowded indoor places
- minimizing close contact with anyone showing cold-like symptoms
A flu shot is the safest and most effective way to prevent infection, to reduce the severity of your symptoms if you do get sick, and to keep from spreading the virus to others: https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/influenza/influenza.aspx
#getprepared #safetycanada #publicsafetycanada #publichealthservices #albertahealthservices #isyourfamilyprepared #12daysofholidaysafety #governmentofalberta