
140 Riverside Dr E, Drumheller, AB, T0J 0Y4

March is Kidney Awareness Month

Kidneys regulate water – For your body to work properly, it must contain just the right amount of water. One of the important jobs of the kidneys is to remove excess water from the body or to retain water when the body needs more.
Kidneys remove waste products and help to balance the body’s minerals – Many of the substances in the blood and other body fluids must be kept at the correct level for the body to function properly. The body needs minerals from food for good health, but they must be kept at certain levels. When the kidneys are working properly, extra minerals, such as sodium and potassium, leave your body in the urine. The kidneys also help to adjust the levels of other minerals, such as calcium and phosphate.
Your kidneys help remove waste products, such as urea and creatinine, from your body. Urea and other wastes are made when the body breaks down protein, such as meat. Creatinine is a waste product of the muscles. As kidney function decreases, the levels of urea and creatinine in the blood increase. It is measured by a simple blood test.
Kidneys produce hormones – Normal kidneys also make important chemicals in your body called hormones. These hormones circulate in the bloodstream like “messengers” and regulate blood pressure, red blood cell production and the calcium balance in your body.
Learn to manage your other medical conditions – One of the most important ways to preserve your kidney function is to gain control over other medical conditions you may have.
Blood pressure control is one of the most effective ways of slowing the progression of kidney disease. High blood pressure can cause the filters in your kidneys to become scarred.
It is important to control your blood sugar if you have diabetes. High blood sugar clogs all blood vessels including the filters of the kidney.
Maintaining a healthy weight is a big challenge for many people.
Eating a well-balanced diet and staying physically active can help.
If you smoke, try to quit. Smoking increases your risk of heart attack, stroke, lung disease, kidney disease and cancer.