MyHealth Records
MyHealth Records is a secure place for your personal health data.
MyHealth Records is an online tool that lets Albertans 14 years of age or older see some of their health information from Alberta Netcare, the provincial electronic health record.
Creating a MyHealth Record account lets you:
• access your COVID-19 test results, as well as results for your child, as soon as they’re ready
• see medicines you received from community pharmacies
• see most immunizations you received in Alberta
• see common lab test results
• keep journals to track your mood, sleep, weight and fitness goals
• upload and track information from your personal health devices, including blood pressure monitors, blood glucose meters, and fitness trackers that are supported by My Personal Records
• print out reports to share with your healthcare providers
• share your record with someone you trust
• safely exchange messages with your healthcare providers, provided they are using the same messaging tool
• add and store other personal health information
MyHealth Records consists of the following tools:
My Personal Records
Access personal health information including immunizations, medications and lab results.
MyAHS Connect
Interact with your AHS and partner care teams and stay connected with your health records.
health information and your medical records can be shared with people you trust.
Instructions on how to create a MyHealth Records account
1. Create your Alberta.ca Account: https://www.alberta.ca/alberta-ca-account-for-personal…
o Next, verify the account by entering your valid Alberta driver’s license or Alberta ID number
o Enter the six-digit activation code
o Agree to Terms of Use
Create your MyHealth Records account: https://myhealth.alberta.ca/myhealthrecords
o Sign in using your Alberta.ca Account username and password
o Accept the MyHealth Records User Agreement
o Enter your Personal Health Number