Holiday Meals
Food plays an important role during holidays and events.
Use these 5 strategies to help make healthier food choices during the holidays or other social events.
1. Choose and offer healthier foods
As much as possible, stick to healthy foods you would normally choose. This applies when you are: hosting an event, attending a gathering or preparing a dish to share.
Try to: choose whole grain foods, make water your drink of choice and have plenty of vegetables and fruits.
Preparing dishes with these foods can help ensure you are providing and making a healthier choice.
Special holiday versions of highly processed foods are often available, where possible, limit these. If you choose these foods, choose them in smaller amounts.
2. Be mindful
Usually during celebrations or events there is a lot going on. It is easy to get distracted while eating. Remember to:
o Take time to eat – Find space where you can sit down and focus on what you are eating
o Pay attention to your food choices – When there is lots of food available or served throughout an event, it can be hard to keep track. Where possible, choose healthy foods and drinks.
o Notice your feelings of hunger and fullness – There are many reasons you may feel the need to eat or drink during a party. Make your food choices based on your hunger level.
3. Enjoy your food
It’s important that you enjoy your food. This is especially true during holidays and events when the food that’s offered or served may serve a cultural or traditional purpose.
Instead of feeling like you are missing out when it comes to less healthy food choices, have a smaller portion and take the time to savor it.
4. Think about your drink
Drinks can add additional calories, sodium, sugars or saturated fat to your meal. This is true for non-alcoholic as well as alcoholic drinks.
Enjoy carbonated water with added flavor from fruit. Plain coffee and tea can also be an option.
5. Think beyond food to celebrate
Celebrate with an activity. Try:
o going for a hike
o playing your favorite game
o taking part in an outdoor activity like skating or biking