Day-Light Savings Ends November 3, 2024
The end of daylight-saving time is on Sunday, November 3, 2024, at 2 a.m. As parents of young children, gaining an extra hour in the day takes on a new meaning.
Below are some guidelines to help you and your child adjust to the time change.
For babies & toddlers
– For young children who are still napping, stretch their normal first nap time (according to the new clock – if they usually nap at 10 a.m., try to make it as close to the new 10 a.m. as possible). Even if your child is awake longer than usual and they want to nap earlier, do what you can to keep them awake and occupied.
– Do the same thing for subsequent naps and bedtime -it will likely mean dealing with some cranky moments, but it will be worth the effort. By getting your child to nap at their regular time(s), you will help them achieve their regular bedtime without becoming too overtired By going to bed at the usual time, your child is less likely to wake early.
For preschoolers & children
– If your child is no longer napping, they may have a longer day ahead of them, be sure to spend the day keeping to your child’s routines, activities and meals at the usual times (according to the new clock).
– The night before the time change put your child to sleep at night a little later. For example, based on a 7:30 p.m. bedtime, bedtime would be moved later by 15 to 30 minutes to 7:45 or 8:00 p.m.
– On the night of the time change and for the next couple of nights, adjust bedtime earlier, working towards regular bedtime. For example, if your child’s usual bedtime is 7:30 p.m., start with a 7:00 p.m. bedtime (which will feel like 8:00 p.m. to the child) and gradually increase to 7:30 p.m. over next few nights.
– To help you and your child sleep later, as sunrise is about one hour earlier after the time change, ensure that your child’s room is very dark, otherwise you may find your child continuing to wake early in response to morning light.
With patience and consistency this fall time change will soon be a distant memory.
Pleasant dreams!