Back-To-School Hacks from Food Allergy Canada
– Pack delicious snacks for school, so you won’t be tempted by food from your classmates
– Label your lunch bag with your name and allergies to avoid confusion
– Label your water bottle with your name
– Check that your child’s auto-injectors and asthma puffers/ inhalers are not expired, review their emergency plan and what to do in case of a reaction
– Remind your child to let you/ others know if they think they are having an anaphylactic reaction
– Review your school’s policies on food allergy and anaphylaxis management
– Update your child’s anaphylaxis emergency plan and share it with your school. If your child has asthma, update this information too
– Talk to your child’s teacher and other school staff about your child’s food allergy and review emergency procedures
– Talk with your child about their food allergy ad practice using an auto-injector training device together
– Keep extra safe snacks in their backpack, so they always have something handy to eat
– Supply your child’s teacher with safe snacks in case your child forgets theirs
– Read the ingredient labels of hand sanitizers and check for any food allergens that need to be avoided
Post-secondary students: Advise school admissions and foodservices management upon registration regarding your food allergy
– If you live with roommates and have a shared kitchen, ensure they are aware of your allergy and write your name on food you don’t want others to touch