June is recognized as Men’s Health Month in Canada
Start prioritizing your health with this simple, medically-reviewed checklist. Find out how often and at what age you need to check the following:
o Blood tests
o Cancer screenings
o Physical exams
o Self exams
o Vaccinations
o Urine and stool tests
o Ultrasounds & scans
o STI tests
Mental Health Checklist
Assess how chronic stress and anxiety may be impacting your health with this simple checklist reviewed by a registered psychologist. Below are some of the common warning signs of chronic stress and anxiety included in the Men’s Health Checklist.
o Excessive worrying
o Doubting yourself
o Irritability
o Binge drinking
o Avoidance
o Sleep disruption
o Digestive changes
o Fatigue
Take the Men’s Health Check: https://menshealthfoundation.ca/mens-he#primarycare