When you’re expecting, it’s important to ensure you and baby are getting the right nutrients.
Here are a few nutrition tips to follow:

Balance healthy meals throughout the day: Three well-spaced meals each day are the gateway to healthy eating. They help stop you over-eating at your next meal, because you never let yourself get too hungry. If you suffer with nausea in pregnancy, you can also try eating six smaller meals spaced throughout the day.

Get more folic acid: to prevent brain and spinal cord birth problems. It is recommended to take a pregnancy-specific multivitamin containing 1 mg of folate before getting pregnant and throughout pregnancy. Other sources include fortified cereals, dark green and leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, beans, peas and lentils.

Up your iron intake: to prevent iron deficiency anemia. Boost your dietary intake with lean red meat, poultry, fish, fortified cereals and beans. Talk to your doctor to see if you would benefit from an iron supplement.

Eat more calcium-rich foods: to strengthen bones. Sources include dairy products, broccoli, kale, and fortified fruit juices and breakfast cereals.

Have questions about dietary requirements during pregnancy? Make an appointment with your family doctor or PCN registered dietitian.